Posts categorised as ‘Environment’

Spotlight on… our grounds and gardens

The University grounds team has taken steps to boost and futureproof our collection of cannas — […]

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Student Switch Off: Hugh Stewart are 2017-18 champions!

Students living in Hugh Stewart have won the 2017-18 Student Switch Off energy-saving and recycling competition […]

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The plastics challenge — help break the dependency on single-use plastics

We’re proud to be one of the UK’s most sustainable universities, but we can always do […]

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Work continues on University Park Arboretum

The University of Nottingham is undertaking a series of phased improvement works to the University’s Arboretum, […]

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Bids welcomed for Environment Initiative Fund

Do you have a great idea for a sustainability-related project but need funding to make it […]

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Why did the elephant cross the road? In Malaysia they are trying to find the answer.

The body of an elephant calf lies on the side of a remote highway in the […]

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University honey on sale

In a campus first, honey produced from beehives located within the University’s grounds will be on […]

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Medilink and Localink L12 free for 2017/18 academic year

Following the introduction of charges on the Medilink bus service earlier this year, University staff and […]

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Restricted access through Portland Building

Please note that there will be restricted access through Portland Building while refurbishment works continue. From […]

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Brighten up — be safe when cycling!

The University of Nottingham is launching its annual ‘Brighten Up’ campaign to encourage staff and students […]

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