Bids welcomed for Environment Initiative Fund

February 6th, 2018

Do you have a great idea for a sustainability-related project but need funding to make it happen? If so, the Environment Initiative Fund may be the solution!

Each year, the University’s Sustainability and Environment Committee awards around £100,000 to student or staff-led sustainability projects.

Projects funded in recent years include:

  • A Health, Food and the Environment exploratory workshop engaging local stakeholders in developing learning resources to support undergraduate teaching on the topic of food, health and sustainability.
  • The Wortley Hall Close passive house project, to retrofit a domestic house on University Park campus to meet passive house standards, benefitting tenants and also offering a demonstration site as part of the Department of Architecture and Built Environment’s Creative Energy Homes project.
  • The #BeastsofUoN photo competition, which provided a focal point for those interested in the biodiversity of our outdoor spaces, highlighting the wellbeing benefits of our campuses and encouraging people to explore these spaces.

Applications to the Environment Initiative Fund are currently being welcomed for 2017/18. If you have an idea on how to make the University or local community a more sustainable place to work, live and study, you’re invited to apply.

The deadline for applications is Thursday 22 February.

For further details, visit the Environment Initiative Fund webpage.

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