2017 Staff Engagement Survey closes

May 24th, 2017

The Staff Survey is now closed — thanks to everyone who took part. The final completion rate was 61%. 

The data will now be analysed by Gallup. Our results will be shared with all staff in July and within your teams you will be invited to discuss these further as part of an important, local-level action planning session. Each area of the University will have support from their Engagement Champion who will help teams to direct their engagement initiatives. University level action planning will also take place and will focus on broader themes which span the organisation.

Arts 61%
Campaign and Alumni Relations Office 80%
Deputy Vice Chancellor’s Office 69%
Engineering 49%
Estates 13%*
Financial & Business Services 75%
Global Engagement Office 87%
Information Services 65%
Medicine and Health Sciences 65%
Nottingham Hospitality 11%*
Registrars 74%
Science 57%
Social Sciences 59%
Student Services 80%
Vice-Chancellor’s Office 89%

*Please note that Operations and Facilities staff received paper surveys. Responses have been included in the final completion rate figure.


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