School of Health Sciences scoops Workplace Health Award

July 8th, 2015

The University of Nottingham’s School of Health Sciences has won the Bronze Award for Workplace Health, as part of the Nottinghamshire Wellbeing at Work: Workplace Health Award Scheme.

The scheme aims to recognise organisations that engage staff with wellbeing in the workplace. The School of Health Sciences was assessed by a team of senior public health specialists for the award, and is not only the first school at the University to win, but in fact the first organisation in the county to complete the assessment process and be recognised.

Valuing staff

Dr Holly Blake, Associate Professor of Behavioural Science in the School of Health Sciences, said: “The University of Nottingham recognises that staff are its most valuable asset; and in the School of Health Sciences we have ensured that promoting staff health and wellbeing is clearly in our strategy going forward.

“This assessment process demonstrates that we are acting in line with regional and national guidance for workplace health, and we are truly delighted to receive this Bronze Award in recognition of our efforts.”

Wellbeing at work

The School of Health Sciences was the first school at the University to have a dedicated work, health and wellbeing programme for staff, initiated in 2012. The school has introduced a number of measures for the wellbeing of staff, including structured sessions supporting physical and mental health and wellbeing, online educational packages, bespoke training sessions on change management, staff coaching, toolkits to help line managers identify and manage stress within teams and regular networking activities to bring colleagues together. The school have a dedicated website clearly laying out information and support concerning health and wellbeing for staff.

Staff have also benefited from optional general health checks undertaken by a nurse (including fitness testing, body mass index, resting heart rate, blood pressure and waist-to-hip-ratio), musculoskeletal advice sessions, relaxation and mindfulness sessions and smoking cessation advice. Physical activities ranging from Tai Chi and yoga to football, Nordic walking, and boxercise have been made available to help staff relax, socialise and stay healthy.

For more information about wellbeing in the School of Health Sciences, visit the Work, Health and Wellbeing website.

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