Identifying and responding to students in difficulty – updated guidance for staff

March 23rd, 2022

Student and Campus Life have recently launched an updated version of the guide for staff identifying and responding to students in difficulty.

You can see the updated guidance here.

A number of students will encounter problems during their time studying at the university and members of staff may be called on to provide some help. This is true for all students, regardless of where they study from or where they are in the course of their academic studies. This guide is designed to support all students—full-time undergraduate, postgraduate, part-time, those studying or working abroad and distance learning students.

The problems may be academic, personal or practical—and difficulties in one area can often have an impact on other areas of the student’s life.

Some students may directly approach staff members to ask for support. Others may be reluctant to ask and try to struggle on, but problems may become apparent.

This guide will provide staff with all the information they would need to signpost the students to the support and service they may need.

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