LGBT History Month 2018

February 1st, 2018

LGBT History Month 2018 is now underway — it’s the fifth year that we have celebrated this event at the University of Nottingham.

From Thursday 1 – Wednesday 28 February 2018, we’ll be holding and presenting a series of interesting and powerful events that aim to promote equality and diversity.

What is LGBT History Month, and why do we celebrate it?

First initiated in the USA in 1994, LGBT History Month was introduced in the UK 14 years ago by Schools OUT UK, a charity whose mission is to raise the issues of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and heterosexism in education.

Since 2014, LGBT History Month has also become a powerful and thought-provoking tradition at the University of Nottingham — helping us to celebrate the achievements and contributions of LGBT people whilst encouraging thought and challenging perceptions.

What’s on this year?

The theme for 2018 is ‘Geography: Mapping the World’ which in part celebrates the progress in the world over the last year to legalise same-sex marriage.

Introducing this year’s UoN programme, Dr Max Biddulph, Chair of the University’s LGBT Staff Network, explained:

“Welcome to UK LGBT History Month at the University of Nottingham. In line with the national festival of LGBT history, this year we explore the theme of ‘Geography’.

“Speaking as both a Geographer and a gay man, it’s my view that the humanity that imbues this subject goes to the heart of LGBT+ experience. Whether it’s our relations with and movement through socio-cultural space or the human processes experienced in it, our 2018 programme speaks to both historic and contemporary issues.

“Our focus is national and international, and we are delighted to welcome our Chinese guests in particular. Closer to home, our events consider local experiences in terms of the present community of LGBT+ persons and in terms of past experiences of space and the expression of desire.

“Rich experiences await. All are welcome. Enjoy!”

We hope that you enjoy LGBT History Month 2018 and continue to find it interesting, informative and stimulating.

You can view our programme of events for 2018 on Campus News

For updates throughout the month, subscribe to the People and Culture blog and join in the conversation on social media using the hashtag #LGBTHM18. You can also find out more about the University’s LGBT History Month programme by emailing the People and Culture team.

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