Male and female undergraduate students relaxing, Jubilee Campus

S2020 Review and Refresh – still time to share your ideas

March 29th, 2017

The Strategy 2020 Roadshows have now finished – thanks to all who have taken the time to attend and share their views. If you weren’t able to attend one of the roadshows, or if you have more ideas, comments or questions, please take a moment to visit the strategy refresh workspace. You’ll be able to view the video which was the centrepiece of the roadshows and to feed in your thoughts.

Each roadshow saw a varied and thoughtful range of questions and comments from colleagues across the University, ranging from the implications of BREXIT to ideas for priorities to renew our infrastructure; discussion of how the new research strategy will benefit all our researchers, not just those directly involved in research Beacons, and insights into how our work will be transformed by the next generation of technology.

We’re making sure that all the ideas we’ve received are carefully considered by the UEB member leading the appropriate strand of the review. We’re working towards fully concluding this review exercise in time for University Council in July so it would be particularly helpful to receive any more comments and ideas before the Easter break.

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April 10th, 2017 at 8:48 am

Rachel Fyson

The impact of Project Transform has – as I am sure you are well aware – been profound. The damage to staff-student relationship (by staff I include both administrative and academic colleagues) cannot be fully undone owing to the imposition of a centralised call-centre approach to the organisation of services. However, there is an urgent need to undo some of the more stupid decisions – particularly the removal of receptions from Schools. Nothing could be less welcoming and more damaging to relationships between staff and students than the current situation where students have no point of access for School-specific information (the Service hubs cannot and do not provide this type of support). Someone somewhere must finally begin to listen to Schools about the problems this has caused.

April 13th, 2017 at 2:43 pm

Ryan Neal

Hi Rachel,

Thank you for your response. I have passed your feedback on to both Professor Karen Cox and Professor Sarah O’Hara.

They have taken your feedback on board and would like to assure you that the University will be reviewing both the Student Services team and the teams in schools/departments. We will be collecting findings and feedback, including those taken from discussions with FPVCs, Student Services colleagues, students and colleagues in schools and departments.

Student Services are continuously running feedback exercises with students to assess their level of satisfaction with the services they are receiving at Student Service Centres. The data gathered from this feedback will be used to make improvements to the services that we are offering our students. The aim is that over time the level of school- and course-specific knowledge within Student Service Centres will continue to improve, though we would absolutely not deter students from building relationships with staff in schools/departments.

Thank you again for your feedback.

Best wishes,

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