Global Strategy 2020 – consultation and roadshows

March 4th, 2017

Message from Professor Karen Cox, Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Following the Vice-Chancellor’s email a few weeks ago, I would like to invite you to attend a Global Strategy 2020 Roadshow to find out more about the work that is going on to review and refresh our university strategy and to talk with you about how we get your input.

As you will be aware Global Strategy 2020 outlines our ambition to be an inspiring place of learning and scholarship that transforms lives. We are continually striving to ensure excellence in our teaching and learning, to deliver world-class research, enhance our reputation, and to develop our global connections. It is only by working together as a University community that we are able to achieve our vision and goals.

I’m keen to share with you our progress so far, and to update you on some of the work that is taking place this year – as a direct result of Global Strategy 2020.

The roadshow programme will include an introduction from the Vice-Chancellor, a short presentation highlighting some of the key projects and initiatives underway and an update from me on our strategy review and refresh work and how to feed in to this. Members of UEB will be available at the roadshows for any questions related to their area.

Dates, times and locations

  • Wednesday 8 March at 13:30 Jubilee Conference Centre Auditorium
  • Friday 17 March at 15:00 B63, Law and Social Sciences, University Park
  • Wednesday 22 March at 14:00 B62, Law and Social Sciences, University Park
  • Friday 24 March at 14:30 A30, Vet School, Sutton Bonington

Each roadshow is expected to last for one hour. Booking is not required. For those unable to attend there is an online consultation space – you’ll need to be logged in to Workspace to access this. Here you can review the roadshow content – which includes a recent Beyond 2020 presentation and green paper for Senate, and comment and input on plans and strategy.

I very much hope you can join us at one of the roadshows, and I look forward to seeing you there.

Professor Karen Cox
Deputy Vice-Chancellor

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