Storm-Drenched Minds is a documentary feature film directed by Karine Lhémon, which tells the story of Hélène and Laurence.
The film takes its audience into another world whose realities are often ignored. Hélène and Laurence’s norms, as out lesbians, as disabled women, living outside the city as poets and artists, are ‘abnormal’ for many. The film exposes an environment designed primarily for able-bodied people, but also the doubts, dramas, tenacity, creativity, laughter, complicity and love of two people. The screening will be followed by a discussion led by Karen Adler, lecturer in the Department of History.
Free, all welcome. Please book online.
This event is part of LGBT History Month at The University of Nottingham. View a full gallery of LGBT History Month events.
For LGBT History Month news and more, visit the People and Culture blog throughout February. You can also follow them on Twitter @UoNPandC.
Tags: film, Gay, Lesbian, LGBT, LGBT History Month, LGBT History Month 2017, people and culture, screening
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