Should The University of Nottingham divest from fossil fuels?

  • Start Date: April 27, 2016 at 6:30 pm
  • End Date: April 27, 2016 at 8:00 pm
  • Location: Keighton Auditorium
  • Ticket Price: 0.00

Join us for a panel debate with a discussion and Q&A session on whether The University of Nottingham should divest from fossil fuels.

Supporting divestment:

Tessa Tennant
Non-Executive Director of Green Investment Bank, Co-founder of Jupiter Ecology Fund

Tom Parker
Environment & Social Justice Officer, UoNSU

Opposing divestment:

Timothy Devinney
Pro Dean of Research & Innovation, Leeds University Business School

Dr. Matthew Rendall
Lecturer in Politics & International Relations, University of Nottingham


Dr. James Corah
Head of Ethical and Responsible Investment, CCLA

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