America in the ‘Asian Century’


America in the ‘Asian Century’: historical perspectives on US-Canadian relations with the Asia-Pacific region

The future of North America’s relations with Asia is uncertain. A recent upsurge in political nationalism on both sides of the Pacific has called into question the capacity, and will, of the United States and Canada to sustain their influence across the region. President Obama’s “pivot” towards Asia polarised opinion at home and abroad, garnering support and suspicion in equal measure. In Canada, Prime Minster Trudeau’s emphasis on “cross-Pacific profit” has been criticised for subordinating issues of security.

This one-day symposium, convened by the University’s Department of American and Canadian Studies and in association with the Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies, brings together leading scholars from across the globe to historicise and debate, through an array of regional and thematic prisms, North America’s increasingly tumultuous relationship with Asia.

Free, all welcome. Please book online.

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