WasteNott funding: call for applications

April 2nd, 2019

Do you have an idea to reduce waste at the University? You can now apply for funding to support reduction of single-use plastic on campus.

As part of the #WasteNott campaign, we are offering funding for items or infrastructure that will help offices, departments, or student societies to reduce and replace single-use plastic and disposable items. This includes, but is not limited to, drinks cups, cutlery, drinks stirrers in offices and workspaces across the University — or another initiative to reduce single-use plastic and disposables.

Up to £300 is available per applicant and it is expected that your department or student group/club/society will also part finance your proposal. Funding will be available on a first come first served basis up to the final date of Friday 28 June 2019.

Please note that funding is not guaranteed and each application is reviewed on its own merit and within the context of a total fund of £5,000 that has been allocated for this call.

Application forms, and further information, can be found on the WasteNott website: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/wastenott/resources/wastenott-funding.aspx.

This call for applications is supported by the proceeds of the WasteNott latte levy. The levy was implemented in September 2018 and applies 20p per disposable hot drink cup used in University cafés. All proceeds of the levy will be used for initiatives to reduce waste.

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April 3rd, 2019 at 4:14 pm

Jasper Robinson

I don’t need money for this but it would cut out a lot of plastic use if we encouraged whiteboards to be replaced by blackboards.

The problem with whiteboards is that the markers can’t be recycled and they don’t last very long. This means heaps of landfill plastic that will take years to degrade. They also require organic solvents to clean every so often. All nasty stuff. Chalk dust has none of these problems ∴ blackboards are environmentally better.

Obviously this would need to be done with some sensitivity—you don’t want chalkdust in a lab with sensitive balances or wet paint, etc. But most of the use in my school (Psychology) is in teaching rooms and offices, which would be fine with blackboards.

April 8th, 2019 at 10:38 am


Whilst it’s obviously best not to use the markers in the first place, they can be dropped off at a teracycle collection point to be recycled (along with a whole range of other things): https://www.terracycle.com/en-GB/brigades/the-writing-instruments-brigade-r

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