Dr Helvi Witek, School of Mathematical Sciences, will deliver the lecture ‘Gravitational waves 2: the Universe’s symphony’. Part of the Science Public Lecture Series.
Tags: gravity, Helvi Witek, Physics, public lecture, School of Mathematical Sciences, School of Physics and Astronomy, science public lecture series, space
Dr Thoma Sotiriou, School of Mathematical Sciences and School of Physics and Astronomy, will speak on the topic of ‘Gravitational waves: from Newton’s law to black holes and spacetime ripples’.
Tags: gravity, Physics, public lecture, School of Mathematical Sciences, School of Physics and Astronomy, science public lecture series, space, Thomas Sotiriou
James Nightingale, PhD student in the School of Physics and Astronomy, presents the lecture ‘Viewing the universe in light of gravitational lensing’. Part of the Science Public Lecture Series.
Tags: gravity, James Nightingale, Physics, School of Physics and Astronomy, science public lecture series, student