research roadshows

Research roadshows: discover what our unprecedented research investment means to you

June 4th, 2017

Join Professor Dame Jessica Corner, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, at a series of roadshows this June to find out more about the University of Nottingham’s Research Vision.

Dame Jessica says:

“The University of Nottingham is making an unparalleled investment in both our research and our people.

What does this mean for all researchers and research support staff across the University?

This investment – unprecedented in our history – will offer exciting opportunities for us all: academics and researchers, postgraduate students and support staff.

I’m keen to share with you our vision for research, our progress so far, and to update you on some of the exciting work that is already taking place.

On Thursday 22 June, this Research Vision will be unveiled to our stakeholders and partners in the UK and across the world.

But it is only fitting that this vision is shared first with the people whose sense of purpose and commitment to excellence is key to our success.

Please join me and a number of our world-leading researchers at one of our Research Roadshows, where we will detail the University’s commitment to:

  • Develop our world-class researchers
  • Enhance our research infrastructure and support
  • Strengthen our international collaborations
  • Establish world-leading Beacons of Excellence to champion our responses to today’s global challenges

You will also hear how we will help remove barriers to achieving excellence, for example by investing in academic staff to allow our high-performing researchers the time and space to undertake their research, and by recruiting Digital Research Specialists to support you in your work.

We are continually striving to ensure excellence in our research, to transform lives and find solutions to some of today’s most pressing global challenges — and it’s only by working together as a research community that we are able to achieve our vision and goals.

We are committed to:

  • Attracting and retaining the highest-quality researchers
  • Developing careers and building a culture of high-performance research across the University
  • Continuous investment in world-class facilities, infrastructure and digital systems to comprehensively support you
  • Empowering our research leaders to lead
  • Encourage transdisciplinary teams to work in highly productive ways

We are already recognised internationally as one of the UK’s leading universities. We are now poised to build on this reputation and further enhance our standing as a powerhouse for world-leading transformative research.

To find out more about our vision for research both now and in the years to come, please join me at one of Research Roadshows.

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

I very much hope you can join us, and I look forward to seeing you there.

The dates, times and locations of the roadshows are:

  • Monday 12 June, 11.15am-12.15pm: BLT1, Exchange Building, Jubilee Campus
  • Monday 12 June, 3.30pm-4.30pm: A32, Main Building, Sutton Bonington Campus
  • Tuesday 13 June, 3pm-4pm: A41, Sir Clive Granger Building, University Park Campus

There is no need to register or book a place – please just join us on the day.

For more information about the roadshows and our unprecedented investment in research, please visit the Research Vision pages on Workspace.

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