'No Place for Hate' neon text on a blue brick background

No Place for Hate

March 12th, 2020

The University of Nottingham and the Students’ Union’s No Place for Hate campaign kicks off on Monday 16 March and will run until Friday 27 March. 

The campaign will be a chance for us to celebrate all aspects of equality and diversity on our campuses and to explore how we can make them more welcoming, inclusive spaces. We’ll be sharing resources and support services, as well as hosting Q&As about different aspects of EDI on our social channels. You can find out more on the No Place for Hate webpage. 

This will be an opportunity for staff and students to ask questions they’ve previously not felt comfortable enough to ask. No-one is an expert on everything, and there is no shame in not knowing – providing we’re willing to learn and change our behaviours accordingly. 

While it may seem obvious to some what (for example) a hate crime or microaggression looks like, to others it’s not so obvious how these manifest themselves. What do they look like, what are some common examples we might encounter on campus, and how do we respond to these? How do we draw the line between ‘banter’ and harassment? 

We will be running a series of Q&As on Instagram. If you have a question, you can ask it anonymously. 

Staff are encouraged to share No Place for Hate content and resources in meetings and seminars.

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