Collect your office equipment using Grab and Go

June 5th, 2020

Do you need equipment that you have on campus to help you to continue working from home? You can now use the Grab and Go service to collect equipment and belongings that you have in your office.

Subject to approval, you can now request to collect your:

  • Monitor
  • Docking station
  • Laptop
  • Chair
  • Headset
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Webcam
  • Leads/cables
  • Books
  • Papers
  • Or any other personal items (desktop computers cannot be collected)

To make a Grab and Go request, follow these steps:

  1. Ask your nominated approver for permission to collect the equipment from your office, and agree a suitable time to collect the equipment
  2. After a date and time are agreed, complete the Grab and Go form to confirm the equipment you will be collecting
  3. Collect the equipment at the time that was agreed. Please ensure you adhere to social distancing and manual handing guidelines when visiting campus

Click and Collect service from King’s Meadow Campus

Depending on availability, the following equipment can be collected from Information Services at King’s Meadow Campus:

  • Laptops, headsets or monitors (where these cannot be collected from offices)
  • Printers that are essential for marking purposes

Further details about how to request this equipment is available on the loan equipment webpage.

You can also use this service to make a request for delivery if you are isolating, are in a vulnerable category or have a disability, meaning that you cannot come onto campus.

All loan equipment should be returned to campus when the lockdown period ends.

We hope you find these new services beneficial during the continued lockdown period.

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June 10th, 2020 at 10:54 am

Helen Bowen

The Grab and Go form is an excellent idea and as a Business Unit we have already used it. We have questions as to where the information on the form goes – it is IT or Security, or somewhere else? What do they do with the information we submit apart from noting that there will be someone in a building on a certain time and date? When we return to campus will we be contacted to advise us who has taken what so we can ensure it is returned?

June 12th, 2020 at 9:07 am


Hi Helen, Thank you for your questions. The Grab and Go details are collected by Information Services to help keep track of who is going to campus and when. This ensures collections are spaced out throughout the day and colleagues can maintain social distancing. The relevant details will also be shared with each Head of School/Department so they have a record of the equipment that has been collected by their teams. Regards – Riz

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