Borderline award automation: rollout to commence

May 28th, 2024

After a period of extensive testing, the Education Administration Continuous Improvement Team (EACIT) have announced their new borderline award automation tool is ready to be rolled-out university-wide.

The team recently wrote about testing a new undergraduate borderline award automation. During this testing, the team found that some further changes were required to guarantee the automation’s reliability.

After finalising these changes, EACIT are now happy to announce wider roll-out to all university Campus Solutions users.

The new approach will partially automate borderline award classification uplifts dependent on the student’s final mark, removing the need for exam officers to complete a borderline mark calculation and reducing the need to check regulations.

How does it work?

Our prospective borderline students are sorted into four groups which will be displayed in the Power BI Exam Board report and in the Award report from Campus Solutions, which drives Power BI.

The classification for our first group of students will be automatically updated in Campus Solutions and the exams officers will not need to carry out any further checks.

For the second group, our exam officers will need to conduct additional checks before deciding whether an award classification uplift is needed. Exams officers will update the Exam Board’s Decision Update Tracker with the outcome if necessary.

For different reasons, the third and fourth groups do not qualify for an award classification uplift.

What happens next?

Teams that are already running the award calculation will see an update to the award report and Power BI from Wednesday 5 June 2024.

For more information, please see the EACIT SharePoint, with training resources available via the Exam Operations SharePoint.

Want to learn more?

Please Register your interest for drop-in information sessions about the upcoming change.

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