Advice on handling paper records when working at home

May 5th, 2020

As we settle into working remotely, it’s important to remember to handle any University paperwork you have at home properly. This is particularly important for paperwork which includes personal information, financial data or any other commercially-sensitive information.

Examples of personal information are information about students, staff or research participants. Invoices and purchase orders are examples of financial data.

If you have this sort of University paperwork at home you must do the following:

  • Make sure you have your line manager’s permission to have the paper at home, andseek their agreement before asking for post to be redirected to your home.
  • Have only the minimum information you need, and be clear on why you need it. Only use it for the particular reason(s) you’ve agreed with your line manager.
  • When you’re using it, make sure no-one else can see it – including seeing it through a window.
  • Keep it secure when you’re not using it (eg in a zipped up backpack or briefcase, or a locked desk drawer).
  • When you’ve finished using it, you must destroy it properly. You may need to store it securely until you can use a shredder (eg when you return to your office).

If you took home this type of information but didn’t get your line manager’s permission, you must do that now.

There is more guidance on handling personal data, including paper records, on the Information Security & Compliance Sharepoint site.

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