National Student Survey 2015 results

August 19th, 2015

The National Student Survey 2015 results are in.

This year saw 86% of final-year students satisfied with their experience at The University of Nottingham. This is level with the national average of 86%, but is a slight decline compared to last year, when overall satisfaction here was at 88%. The Students’ Union exceeded the national average again — 71% of students surveyed were satisfied with their Students’ Union, compared to a 68% national average.

This year marks the 11th National Student Survey (NSS), asking final-year students to give feedback on their course and institution. A record 75% of University of Nottingham final-year students completed the survey this year.

What do the results mean?

The University’s rank has remained 17th in the Russell Group but declined from 71st to 77th among all UK universities. The NSS is fundamentally about experience on individual courses, and 2015 saw some outstanding results at a school/department level. This year, the average scores across all questions increased in 30 out of 38 subject areas, compared to improved scores in only 20 in 2014.

All but six schools/departments increased their scores, 11 improved across every area of the NSS and 19 had a percentage agree for Question 22 (overall satisfaction) greater than 90%. The five schools/departments with the highest percent agree for overall satisfaction are:

A new NSS Explorer tool, developed by the Strategy, Planning and Performance Division, should be available in early September. This will allow extensive investigation of school/department results at subject level, over time, and in relation to our competitors across the UK. In the meantime, staff can visit the NSS 2015 results page in the Strategy Support Centre for an initial analysis of results.

Improving the student experience

NSS data is made public through the Unistats website and used by prospective students when choosing their course and University. It is also used in UK league table rankings. Most importantly, it highlights areas of challenge for the University, helping us to improve and deliver an outstanding academic experience for all our students.

Find out more about our commitments to improving the student experience and beyond in Global Strategy 2020, our vision for the University over the next five years.

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