Our golden day: celebrations for our teaching and our research

June 22nd, 2017

The University has jointly celebrated two outstanding moments in our history.

We have been awarded Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework, and have also announced an unprecedented investment in our research.

Gold Award in the Teaching Excellence Framework

The University of Nottingham provides its students with teaching of the very highest quality, according to the results of the first Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF).

This means, based on the evidence available, the TEF Panel judged that we deliver consistently outstanding teaching, learning and outcomes for our students. It is of the highest quality found in the UK.

The TEF panel noted that students at the University achieved “consistently outstanding outcomes”, and that there were high levels of student satisfaction with teaching and academic support. The Gold award also reflects:

  • systematic evaluation of student feedback
  • role of students as change agents
  • level of contact time
  • embedded culture of personalised learning
  • exceptionally high student engagement with advanced technology-enhanced learning
  • focused, discipline-specific careers support
  • an institutional culture that rewards excellent teaching.

Professor Sarah O’Hara, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education and Student Experience, said: “We’re absolutely delighted we have received a TEF Gold rating. It reflects the hard work and creativity of our teaching staff and support colleagues across our UK campuses. Every single one of you have contributed to this institutional award, and I want to thank you all.”

We’ll be using the TEF Gold logo on marketing and communications materials, our email signatures and our website. There are strict guidelines governing use of the logo. Visit the External Relations workspace for more details on how to use it.

Transforming the world: an unprecedented investment in our ground-breaking research

Securing sustainable food supplies, ending slavery and developing greener transport systems are three of six most pressing global challenges that we have today set out to address with a planned investment of more than £200 million. This investment, the most the University has ever dedicated to research, will support world-leading experts in finding solutions to global issues through ground-breaking research and its translation into impact.

We are funding six Beacons of Excellence — multi-disciplinary research programmes focused on finding solutions to a global challenge.

The six Beacons of Excellence are:

  • Rights Lab — finding solutions to ending modern-day slavery
  • Green Chemicals — the next global industrial revolution
  • Precision Imaging — personalised therapies to transform lives
  • Propulsion futures — the future of propulsion
  • Smart Industrial Systems — sustainable products for the future
  • Future Food — exploring new ways of feeding the world

The investment will also help transform the University’s impact: even more world-class facilities and equipment will support the capture and delivery of discoveries with the potential to change lives. It will also accelerate a commitment to attracting the brightest and best minds through the recruitment of 100 Research Fellows, while creating and strengthening high-performance teams of researchers from across the University.

Professor Sir David Greenaway, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham, said: “From the pioneering work of people like Sir Peter Mansfield who developed MRI, to Professor Don Grierson who created the world’s first genetically modified tomato, our University and our people are pioneers of world-changing research.

“It is right the University makes this investment in these six profoundly important areas, building on existing expertise and enabling us to entice world-leading academics and experts to push the boundaries of possibility.

“Our Beacons are tackling complex global challenges. Our research informs policies across the world and we work with the United Nations, internationally-renowned organisations and NGOs tackling real-world issues.

“We live in rapidly changing times, politically, scientifically, economically. The University’s vision to deliver research of global significance remains a constant. But we cannot stand still. We believe our unique approach and proven excellence in research will allow us to help solve these problems facing the world now and in the future.”

Professor Dame Jessica Corner, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, said: “We have a long-standing reputation for transformative, world-class research. I’m delighted to announce this unprecedented investment in our Research Vision which we believe will truly transform people’s lives through the work we are pioneering around the world.”

Reflecting on the investment Dame Jessica said: “This is an exciting new chapter in the University’s history with great opportunities to support us all in our research endeavours and to create a research environment in which the exceptional thrives. This investment in our people and our research is a landmark in our history.”

The University’s Research Vision and investment was officially unveiled on Thursday 22 June at The Royal Society in London, to an audience of policymakers, funders, partners, potential new collaborators and the media.

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