New medical technologies go from bench to bedside

Six cutting edge medical technologies will be brought closer to the clinic thanks to new research funding at The University of Nottingham.

The projects will be funded through the University’s Confidence in Concept programme. Nottingham received £400,000 last summer from the Medical Research Council and the Technology Strategy Board’s Biomedical Catalyst. The cash will be used to allow a rapid response to promising research — bringing new technologies out of the lab and developing applications as soon as possible.

The research funded includes:

  • Proving that a new, more reliable MRI test for Multiple Sclerosis, works in all makes of MRI scanners
  • Improved testing and imaging for patients suffering bloating, nausea and pain after meals, leading to better diagnosis for conditions such as dyspepsia, reflux disease and diabetic gastroparesis
  • New tests for detecting Parkinson’s Disease in its earliest stages
  • Novel MRI techniques to improve the diagnosis and management of severe liver disease

Funds were allocated following an internal competition, chaired by Professor Saul Tendler, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University. The judging panel featured members from academia and industry.

“Programmes like this mean that the excellent fundamental research taking place at The University of Nottingham can be quickly translated into new tests and biomedical imaging for a range of conditions,” said Prof Tendler. “The projects chosen are very exciting and show great promise.  This investment will help bridge the gap between discovery and development.”

“Ground-breaking research is often difficult to progress to the next stage of development because funding bodies have restricted funds for speculative research” added Bill Vennart and member of the judging panel for the Confidence in Concept awards. “The Confidence-in-Concept programme enables researchers to demonstrate the potential application and robustness of their ideas and, hence, suitability for more substantial funding.

“The six projects funded through this scheme by the University all have exciting potential to improve the lives of people suffering ill health and will make contributions to biomedical science.”


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