Posts categorised as ‘Social Sciences’

Child abandonment in Europe is a neglected issue, say researchers

Researchers have called for a consistent and supportive approach to child abandonment in Europe to protect […]

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Holidays inspire disadvantaged children to learn

Holidays could serve as a valuable extension of the national curriculum for the UK’s disadvantaged youngsters, […]

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Tracking endangered elephants

A hundred years ago wild elephants on the Malay Peninsular could be counted in their thousands […]

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The digital horizon

As technology advances throughout our digital age, society is becoming increasingly reliant upon it in everyday […]

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“Violence inevitable” – new study into the far right

Far right supporters in the UK believe violent conflict between different religious, racial and ethnic groups […]

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Tackling corruption across the EU and beyond

Phone hacking, sleaze and cash for questions — corruption in our systems of governance and public […]

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