Posts categorised as ‘Science’

How does your garden glow?

Nature’s ability to create iridescent flowers has been recreated by mathematicians at The University of Nottingham. […]

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Nottingham’s role in scientific breakthrough of the century

The crucial work of Nottingham researchers in one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the 20th-century […]

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It’s a cracker! Research shows how blue cheese gets its distinctive smell

As the nation prepares to tuck into mounds of Stilton this Christmas, researchers have pinpointed for […]

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An energy conscious workforce — how to encourage staff to go green

As homeowners we are becoming cannier about turning down the thermostat to save our pennies and […]

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Seeing the world through the eyes of an orangutan

She is a captive bred Sumatran orangutan. He is a neuroscientist specialising in cognitive and sensory […]

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£2.2m quest begins to increase wheat yields

The world’s leading experts in crop cytogenetics have been awarded £2.2m to head an international study […]

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Biscuits better when dunked, says Heston

Food experts at The University of Nottingham have helped Heston Blumenthal scientifically answer a question that […]

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Rare parasitic fungi could have anti-flammatory benefits

Caterpillar fungi (Cordyceps) are rare parasites found on hibernating caterpillars in the mountains of Tibet. For […]

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