Posts categorised as ‘News’

There’s a kind of Hush surrounding quantum systems

Has a persistent noise ever kept you awake at night? Well it isn’t just you. Scientists […]

Appears in Issue 5

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Pinpointing the damage alcohol does to the brain

New research has identified, for the first time, the structural damage at a molecular level that […]

Appears in Issue 5

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New online tool to study the works of Charles Dickens

Academics from The University of Nottingham have designed a new online linguistics tool that will help […]

Appears in Issue 5

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Leaving no stone unturned

As bucket lists go, Professor David Walker isn’t doing too badly. Already crossed off his list […]

Appears in Issue 5

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Where comics and classics collide

Academics use a variety of methods to get their work seen by a broader audience than […]

Appears in Issue 5

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Do you do Big Data?

Research into Big Data — including new ways of capturing data, extracting information and visualising new […]

Appears in Issue 5

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