Posts categorised as ‘News’

Child abandonment in Europe is a neglected issue, say researchers

Researchers have called for a consistent and supportive approach to child abandonment in Europe to protect […]

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Holidays inspire disadvantaged children to learn

Holidays could serve as a valuable extension of the national curriculum for the UK’s disadvantaged youngsters, […]

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Tracking endangered elephants

A hundred years ago wild elephants on the Malay Peninsular could be counted in their thousands […]

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New clue in fight against bovine TB

The failure of the current bovine tuberculosis (TB) eradication programme could be partly due to a […]

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World’s largest pre-eclampsia study

Researchers from The University of Nottingham are leading the largest ever international research project into the […]

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From the medieval to the virtual

A rare medieval service book is being unveiled in ‘virtual form’ in the Nottingham parish church […]

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Exploring ‘The Zone’

“If I let go of everything — my thoughts, my words, my feelings, my fears, everything […]

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Using maths to feed the world

In the race to breed better crops to feed the increasing world population, scientists at The […]

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