Posts categorised as ‘News’

The secret sex life of the penicillin-producing fungus

New and more effective strains of the fungus used to produce penicillin could be developed after […]

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IUD best treatment for heavy periods, major trial shows

The hormone-releasing Mirena coil intrauterine device (IUD) is a better treatment for heavy menstrual periods than […]

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How does your garden glow?

Nature’s ability to create iridescent flowers has been recreated by mathematicians at The University of Nottingham. […]

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Nottingham’s role in scientific breakthrough of the century

The crucial work of Nottingham researchers in one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the 20th-century […]

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Uniting CF patients and researchers

People with cystic fibrosis (CF) will be able to access the latest research findings about their […]

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How new technology could help people with mental health disorders

People with serious mental health problems and developmental disorders like ADHD, Tourette’s and autism could soon […]

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Is there such a thing as the ‘perfect gift’?

With just twelve more Christmas present-buying days until the big day, researchers at The University of […]

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It’s a cracker! Research shows how blue cheese gets its distinctive smell

As the nation prepares to tuck into mounds of Stilton this Christmas, researchers have pinpointed for […]

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