Posts categorised as ‘News’

Changing the conversation — polymers disrupt bacterial communication

Artificial materials based on simple synthetic polymers can disrupt the way in which bacteria communicate with […]

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New study reveals fertility treatment success rates are significantly influenced by mother’s ethnicity

Ethnicity of the mother is a significant determinant of successful outcomes after fertility treatment according to […]

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New light shed on history of ancient glass

It’s an everyday material we take for granted but now the secrets of how we came […]

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Trawling for memories and responses to extreme weather events

Snow storms, floods, droughts, heatwaves and hurricanes — all these can have a dramatic effect on […]

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Researchers identify seven types of breast cancer for more accurate prognosis

A study by researchers in Nottingham has identified seven distinct types of breast cancer, a discovery […]

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Life, but not as we know it

A rudimentary form of life that is found in some of the harshest environments on earth […]

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Concept house showcases fuel poverty technology

An entire street of Eco-houses at The University of Nottingham will be completed this month with the opening […]

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Initiative to develop future leaders in environmental science

A new generation of environmental scientists equipped to take on the challenges of a rapidly changing […]

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