Posts categorised as ‘News’

Modelling the early universe

One of the world’s most powerful supercomputers is to enable astrophysicists at The University of Nottingham […]

Appears in Issue 5

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Beautiful coding — new University project develops next generation of QR codes

A new innovation from The University of Nottingham is promising to transform the way we digitally […]

Appears in Issue 4

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Speeding up cancer diagnosis during surgery

Tissue-conserving cancer surgery is a highly skilled procedure which involves time-consuming tissue preparation to detect the […]

Appears in Issue 4

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Spintronics — the future of storage?

To satisfy the world’s desire for ever more processing power, at ever diminishing energy cost, in even tinier […]

Appears in Issue 4

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Record research funding

Funding for pioneering research at The University of Nottingham is at an all-time high with academics securing over […]

Appears in Issue 4

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New literary journal to celebrate the art of the letter

We are living in an age when we are more likely to fire off an email […]

Appears in Issue 4

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Royal Society recognises research into the ‘hidden half’ of plants

As Director of The University of Nottingham’s Centre for Plant Integrative Biology (CPIB) Professor Malcolm Bennett has helped revolutionise […]

Appears in Issue 4

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World changing technology enables crops to take nitrogen from the air

A major new technology has been developed by The University of Nottingham, which enables all of the […]

Appears in Issue 4

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