Posts categorised as ‘Medicine & Health Sciences’

Does loud music wreck your hearing?

Loud music damages your hearing — a warning that we’re used to taking as fact. But […]

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L to R: Stephen Jackson, Warwick Adams and Prof Barrie Hayes-Gill

Sensor could save miners’ lives

A chance discussion between a Professor at the University and the managing director of a Derby […]

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Harnessing the power of killer bacteria

Scientists have discovered new clues about a potential weapon in the fight against a dangerous superbug […]

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Genetic markers hope for new brain tumour treatments

Researchers at The University of Nottingham have identified three sets of genetic markers that could potentially […]

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World’s largest pre-eclampsia study

Researchers from The University of Nottingham are leading the largest ever international research project into the […]

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Study aids improved dementia treatment

A drug commonly used to treat mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) can have positive benefits […]

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Funding for new tumour drugs could save lives

New research into drugs which could prevent the return of persistent brain tumours in children has […]

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Breakthrough imaging could tackle incurable diseases

Scientists at the University are developing microscopic organic medical imaging systems to support a new generation […]

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