New UK-Chinese Geospatial Centre

A new jointly operated centre for Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering has been opened at te University. The project is jointly supported by The University of Nottingham and the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, the research arm of China’s National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation (NASG).

The Sino-UK Geospatial Centre operates in both China and the UK. The Chinese arm of the centre was launched towards the end of 2011 in Beijing, in conjunction with the University’s Ningbo Campus, and the Nottingham end was opened as part of an annual international executive training seminar on survey and mapping. The centre will offer Executive Training for Chinese leaders working in surveying and mapping companies, in areas such as technology, management and business.

The centre also aims to support long-term collaboration by integrating resources. It will act as a world-leading incubation centre to realise the results of research and development, production and commercialisation.

Another important role of the centre is to promote innovation and joint funding opportunities from Chinese and European governments and research councils. It will also be used as a platform for NASG to identify and build partnerships in the UK to build its expertise and enable technology transfer to take place in businesses.

Speaking at the event, Professor David Greenaway, Vice-Chancellor of The University of Nottingham, said: “We are very privileged that China’s National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation (NASG), has chosen The University of Nottingham as its sole overseas Executive Education training base.

“It means that we will be able to share international best practice in geospatial engineering research. It will further strengthen our links with Chinese academics, businesses and government. It is, I believe, a partnership which will undoubtedly result in new opportunities both for The University of Nottingham in China and NASG in the UK.”

The Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering Centre in Nottingham is building on over eight years of collaborative work in this area, and involves several Chinese partners. A Chinese-British Board will agree the joint strategy for the Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering Centre. Dr Xiaolin Meng, from The University of Nottingham will operate as the UK Director. Dr Meng will be working closely with Professor Jixian Zhang, President of the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping (CASM) and the overall director of the Sino-UK Geospatial Centre.

Mr Wanfeng Zhang, Deputy Director General, Department of Legislation and Industry Management of NASG, led a delegation of 21 CEOs for this year’s Executive Training in Nottingham. Making the opening address at the launch event, he said: “To date, over 90 leading Chinese CEOs from industry have participated in the seminars held with The University of Nottingham, engaging with leading experts in both the UK and EU on international surveys, industry developments and the use of the latest IT in geo-information. Last year, the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping (CASM) unveiled a plaque in Beijing to mark the partnership. I am glad that the plaque will today be unveiled at the UK Centre at The University of Nottingham, which will further enhance our collaboration in the future.”

Dr Xiaolin Meng, Associate Professor of The University of Nottingham and UK Director of the Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering Centre, added: “The Centre has set clear goals for its future development with its core mission for technology transfer. Launching the UK Centre is a milestone of our collaboration with China in the areas of geospatial science and engineering and is the culmination of lots of hard work from both sides.”

Professor Yan Qin, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping and Deputy Director of the Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering Centre, gave the audience an introduction to the work of the Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering Centre. She commented: “The launch of the new centre not only represents the collaboration between The University of Nottingham and the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, but it also represents the growing number of collaborations between China and the UK in areas of leading research and development work.”

For more information about the Sino-UK Geospatial Centre in Nottingham, contact Dr Meng Xiaolin, UK Director, by emailing; or alternatively, call Jason Feehily, Head of the Asia Business Centre at The University of Nottingham, on +44 (0)7787 518156, or visit the website.


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[…] site: New UK-Chinese Geospatial Centre – Research, The University of … and-the, chinese-academy, geospatial, jointly-operated, jointly-supported, mapping, […]

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