Wobble Week 2021: Monday 1 – Friday 5 November

October 28th, 2021

The beginning of November also marks the beginning of this year’s Wobble Week – A week of activities to support students who are feeling overwhelmed by university.

Running from Monday 1 November – Friday 5 November, Wobble Week aims to foster a sense of belonging between all students across campus, encouraging an honesty in sharing and acknowledging some of our more vulnerable moments.

Wobble Week provides an opportunity to unwind, share and belong – but also crucially highlights areas of support where students can turn to help them look after their welfare, health and wellbeing.

As well as a number of workshops, webinars and study chats there will be opportunities to take part in team sports, meditation, baking and more.

Find out more at the university’s dedicated Wobble Week webpage.

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