Vice-Chancellor’s Mentoring Scheme: less than one week left for applications

February 20th, 2020

The Vice-Chancellor is once again launching her mentoring programme for 2020.

You can apply now by completing this form (O365 login required). The deadline for applications is Friday 21 February.

The programme is open to staff who have aspirations or ambitions for senior leadership roles within or outside the University. Applications are invited from level 6 and 7 staff with protected characteristics, such as BME, disabled and LGBT+ communities in both academic and professional service roles.

Hear what Professor Shearer West thinks of the scheme:

Considerations will be given to staff who are under-represented in their professional field for reasons such as gender.

Hear from Christina Lee, Associate Professor in Viking Studies, discuss what the programme did for her:

And if you’re after some more inspiration, listen to Gail Allsopp talk about what she took away from the programme:

Find out more about the mentoring scheme on the LMA Hub, or contact Leadership and Management Director Carol Steed for an informal conversation.

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