Vice-Chancellor – staff engagement this term

October 19th, 2021

Vice-Chancellor Professor Shearer West has published plans to engage with colleagues at all levels across our UK campuses, with a much greater emphasis on in-person and town hall-style meetings than was possible during the Covid disrupted period last year.

As well as resuming her regular series of VC blogs, Professor West will be hosting an extensive series of in-person events, lunches, dinners and staff surgeries – as well as hosting larger meetings for faculties and professional services departments via Teams.

Professor West said: “I am really looking forward to listening to and speaking with colleagues across the university this term. I know it has been a tough period for us all and I am keen to meet and communicate with as many colleagues as possible to understand your ambitions, concerns and, I hope, pleasure at being back on campus regularly.

“The circumstances of the pandemic have meant that many of us pivoted to Teams for so many of our conversations and meetings last year, and I was no exception. In line with our approach to teaching this term, I am introducing a more blended style to my engagement with colleagues with both in-person and online events, which will allow for a more extensive set of engagements with the university community. I do hope you can join me and I look forward to speaking with you during the academic year.”

Staff surgeries

Colleagues are invited to book short appointments to discuss any issue with the Vice-Chancellor via Teams or in-person in her offices. The next available session is Tuesday 2 November. To book, please go to VC Staff Surgery – places are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, so colleagues are encouraged to book early.

Staff town hall events

The Vice-Chancellor will host town hall-style briefing and Q&A events for staff in every faculty and professional service area each term. Please look out for your invitation to these events during this term:

  • Wednesday 3 November, 10.00 – 11.00 – Faculty of Engineering
  • Thursday 2 December, 13.00 – 14.00 – Faculty of Arts
  • Thursday 2 December, 14.00 – 15.00 – Faculty of Science
  • Wednesday 8 December, 10.00 – 11.00 – Professional Services
  • Thursday 16 December, 09.00 – 10.00 – Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Thursday 16 December, 10.00 – 11.00 – Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
  • Thursday 16 December, 15.00 – 16.00 – Professional Services

Professorial dinners

The Vice-Chancellor will also host a series of lunches and dinners by invitation across the year with professorial colleagues from all faculties and disciplines in the Council Dining Room to discuss current issues relating to research, education and the external policy landscape for higher education..

Senior leaders’ briefings and emails

The Vice-Chancellor will continue to lead the fortnightly Teams briefings for senior leaders across the institution to discuss the latest news and external developments affecting the university, as well as providing regular updates via email for information and cascade within faculties, schools and departments.

Contact the Vice-Chancellor

As always, colleagues are invited to email the Vice-Chancellor at with their news, thoughts and suggestions related to work, research and study at the university.

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