Trent building from Highfields Lake

University publishes new guidance for supporting trans students – UPDATED

June 15th, 2021

The university has published new guidance for supporting trans students, and for the staff members who support trans students. This guidance recognises the difficulties that trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming students face within university life.

The guidance also discusses relevant legislation, the university’s approach to equality, diversity and inclusion, support available for trans members of our community and offers suggestions for being a good ally.

Inclusivity is a core value of the University of Nottingham. We are a community where everyone can contribute and be appreciated for who they are. As such we expect all members of our community to treat anyone’s gender identity with dignity and respect.

The newly published guidance can be found alongside other support on our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion pages. Alternatively you can download the guidance directly for staff or for students.

Update: Friday 18th June

The guidance for both students and staff has been revised in response to concerns raised regarding some inaccuracies in the previous versions. We are thankful to those who identified the errors in the previous documents that misrepresented the legal position of transgender people under the Equality Act and the processes for name change. We apologise for any harm caused by this unintentional mistake in drafting and are grateful for the review contributions that enabled us to swiftly correct the documents.

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