Trent building lights up for baby loss awareness

October 11th, 2023

The university’s Trent building will be illuminated in blue and pink every evening this week to raise awareness and highlight Baby Loss Awareness Week 2023.

The ‘wave of light’ will culminate with a nation-wide illumination of iconic buildings on Sunday 15 October, joining bereaved parents and supporters all around the globe in lighting personal candles of remembrance.

A time to remember much-loved and missed babies, Baby Loss Awareness Week (9-15 October 2023) aims to break the silence and support bereaved families.

Half of UK adults, said that they, or someone they know, had experienced at least one form of pregnancy or baby loss, in response to a YouGov survey published at the start of Baby Loss Awareness Week.

'Wave of light' candle by Charlotte Kingsbury

Within the School of Health Sciences, we work very closely with our local trusts partners, Nottingham University Hospitals, who provide care for poorly infants and support for those parents who have lost their babies.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and People Professor Katherine Linehan said: “The university is glad to join in with this year’s Wave of Light and to have our flagship Trent Building lit up in solidarity with and support for members of our community impacted by fertility challenges, miscarriage, compassionate induction/TFMR, stillbirth or infant death, or unchosen childlessness.

“We are also currently reviewing our support for staff members going through such challenging and distressing circumstances, and would encourage anyone with such lived experiences who is in a space where they currently feel able to do so, to contact Task and Finish Group lead Charlotte so that their experiences and ideas can be reflected in our planning, policies and resources”

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