Total Food 2022: Maximising value from the food chain

January 5th, 2022

Total Food 2022 will be a gathering of industrialists, academics, policy-makers and charities with the common goal of protecting the environment and promoting human and animal health through waste minimisation and the optimal exploitation of co-products.

This requires multidisciplinary actions spanning social, technological, economic, environmental and political factors.

Total Food is unique in bringing this community together to identify and tackle the challenges to the food and agricultural sectors in the sustainable production and use of food.

Total Food 2022 will be held in Nottingham, UK, at the Jubilee Conference Centre from Wednesday 13 – Thursday 14 July 2022.

Involvement in the conference

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are invited in the following conference themes:

  • Social and political factors in sustainable food production
  • Making sustainability decisions
  • Food production
  • Green chemicals from the circular economy
  • The challenge of mixed and distributed feedstock
  • Navigating the impact of reduction of single-use plastics on the food supply chain

We will also be inviting flash presentations from industry to highlight specific challenges for the community to address.

We also welcome potential sponsors and exhibitors to contact us to see how they can get involved.

To find out more, please contact or visit the Total Food webpages.

Key dates

Abstract submission: Monday 10 January 2022

Early bird registration: before Monday 24 January 2022

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