The University of Nottingham support for refugees

November 27th, 2015

The University of Nottingham has a large and diverse international community and we will seek to help refugees caught up in the current humanitarian crisis in whatever ways we can.

We want to extend a wider welcome to those affected by or escaping conflict in Syria with support for new arrivals in the city to working with the Students’ Union. We can provide access to a huge variety of undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships and with direct support to staff and students we want to provide help in the best ways we can to those in need.

We will work with other agencies wherever appropriate including CARA, the Council for At Risk Academics, an organisation we are pleased to support.

Supporting new arrivals in the City of Nottingham

While many staff and students are doing this on an individual basis the University will be working closely with the City Council and other agencies, including Nottingham Refugee Forum. We know that many staff have already made donations of money or goods to support refugees.

Support for staff and students

There is help for colleagues and students who have been affected by the conflict and refugee crisis in Syria. Staff should contact their line managers or HR business partners and students can get help from the International Office.

There is also the network of support services for students through the University including counselling, health and academic support. Staff can also access our Counselling Service.

Students’ Union support for refugees

The Students’ Union is part of Student Action for Refugees (STAR) a national charity set up to improve the lives of refugees in the UK. They run The Tuesday Night Programme in Nottingham where refugees, past refugees and students spend time together.

Students have also been supporting Calais Action – encouraging fellow students to donate vital supplies and participating in events around the city.

The union will be bringing together all their student led volunteering groups and organisations to discuss what else they can do. If you want to know more or think you can help please contact Sam Peake, the SU Community Officer by emailing

Provision for study

For refugees wanting to continue their studies or apply to study with us we welcome students from all over the world. The University invites applications from prospective students with the necessary qualifications and there is an extensive scholarship portfolio available to international applicants.

Details of our scholarships can be found on our website.

Whilst we cannot guarantee financial support for all refugee applicants we will consider such requests favourably.

Students with full refugee status in the UK (granted by the Home Office) are eligible for home tuition fees and the financial support that this can then lead to in terms of loans and grants. The University provides means-tested bursaries of up to £3,000 a year for undergraduate study. Details are on our website.

It is also vital that displaced university students with little hope of returning home for many months are able to access the education they need.

Potential applicants are also encouraged to contact our admissions team via the following emails:

The University of Nottingham stands ready to help in whatever ways we can.

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November 30th, 2015 at 8:27 am

Melissa Wadams

“We know that many staff have already made donations of money or goods to support refugees.” and “The University of Nottingham stands ready to help in whatever ways we can.” Perhaps the University should join the efforts of its staff and students and also make a donation towards the terrible plight that is affecting these individuals and communities?

December 1st, 2015 at 3:38 pm

Mike Jennings

We are currently looking at the best way of refining elements of our scholarship provision to accommodate the needs of applicants and students who find themselves affected by world events and whose immigration status places them in extreme difficulty.

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