Herschel Programme for Women in Technical Leadership

October 22nd, 2021

Within higher education and research settings there are only 32% of women in technician management and leadership roles and less than half of those in the technical workforce are women.

To address this, the Research-England funded TALENT programme has created the UK’s first leadership programme designed for people in technical roles who identify as women.

The Herschel Programme for Women in Technical Leadership is a six-month programme which includes modules on self-awareness, leading in a technical environment, negotiation skills and navigating the organisation. It also offers unique opportunities for networking.

Individuals working in higher education and research settings nationwide are invited to apply for the six-month programme which will commence in January 2022. If you are a current or aspiring technician who is keen to develop your leadership skills, this programme is for you.

Kelly Vere MBE, Director of Technical Skills and Strategy at the university and Project Lead for TALENT said:

“This is the first opportunity of its kind to be offered to women in technical roles and aligns with the vision set out in the R&D People and Culture Strategy to put people at the heart of the UK’s research and innovation ecosystem,”

“The strategy sets out a plan to achieve great leadership at all levels to make the sector fit for the challenges it faces. This programme will play a key role in this by giving people the skills and behaviours needed for leading people and teams.

“The programme has been named after Caroline Herschel one of the earliest ‘technicians’ at the turn of the 19th century. She helped pioneer the discovery of comets and other astronomy work and truly paved the way for the women of the future to play key roles in scientific endeavours.”

Applications open on Thursday 21 October 2021 and require a 200-word supporting statement.

The deadline for applications is Friday 5 November 2021.

Find out more about the programme and apply here.

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