The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

May 29th, 2018

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now law and is going to change the way we work.

Below are some of the ways you can inform yourself of what the GDPR and Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 mean for you:

  1. Watch the GDPR podcast. If you need something more in-depth, attend the face-to-face An Introduction to GDPR training session.
  2. Have a look at the University’s updated data protection policies, procedures and guidance so you can start to understand how GDPR will affect the way you work.
  3. Look at the University’s Privacy Notices. If you are a student at the University or a member of its staff, you should have received the one that refers to you by email already. Please read the Privacy Notice Procedure (on the GDPR Workspace) so you can be sure you know how and when you might need to use a Privacy Notice.
  4. Further information is available on the GDPR Workspace, including a Getting ready for GDPR information sheet.
  5. The Information Compliance Team is there to support you at  The University has a Data Protection Officer, Simon Gill, who can be contacted on

Look out for further information over the coming months as more online training is made available and we start to come out and work with you on translating GDPR into your day-to-day working lives.

All policies and procedures will also be available on the University’s main website shortly.

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