The University of Nottingham and Fudan University have signed an agreement marking the commitment to ensuring […]
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Tags: Confucius, fudan, fundan university, Nottingham Confucius Institute, Universitas 21
To celebrate the Year of the Rooster, Nottingham Confucius Institute is offering two free taster sessions, open to anyone interested in Chinese language and culture.
Tags: chinese language, Chinese New Year, Nottingham Confucius Institute, taster session, year of the rooster
Various levels of Mandarin evening courses will continue to be offered by The Nottingham Confucius Institute […]
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Tags: China, Chinese, Confucius, course, language, learning, Mandarin, Nottingham Confucius Institute
Professor Chris Rudd is take over as Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Provost at The University of Nottingham Ningbo […]
Appears in Issue 81
Tags: Asia Business Centre, China Britain Business Council, Nottingham Confucius Institute, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Provost, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for External Engagement, Professor Chris Rudd, Professor Nick Miles, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC)