Supporting the NHS: finding the right health services for you

July 1st, 2022

Over the past few years, our health and care system has come under increasing pressure, particularly Emergency Departments within the NHS.

It’s crucial for people without life-threatening illness or injuries to understand where they can go for alternative services that don’t put such a heavy demand on Emergency Departments.

The NHS has created an infographic to help people know which service will be most suitable for them and their particular concern.

The options are broken down in the following ways and show people which service they should be using for certain issues:

Self Care – Treat aches and pains, coughs and colds at home – stock up on medicines

Pharmacy – Visit your local pharmacy for minor injuries, allergies, constipation, headaches, cold and flu symptoms and earache.

Your GP Practice – Talk to your GP, nurse or other healthcare professionals about symptoms that aren’t going away. They can offer telephone, online or face-to-face appointments, depending on what your health concern is.

NHS 111 – Think NHS 111 if you need help fast, but it’s not an emergency. The service is open 24/7 – call 111 or visit

Urgent Treatment Centre – You can visit your local Urgent Treatment Centre for sprains, fractures, minor burns and skin infections.

Dental Treatment – For urgent dental care, please call your local NHS dental practice. For urgent care and advice out-of-hours, call NHS 111.

Mental Health Crisis Line – If you’re worried about your mental health, or are experiencing a mental health crisis, call the 24/7 crisis line on 0808 1963779.

You should only call 999 in a genuine medical emergency – this is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

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One Comment

July 7th, 2022 at 12:20 pm


HealthyU has a wide range of resources to support navigating the often complex NHS system.


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