Please support the University’s #MeantToBe campaign

August 3rd, 2015

As many of you will be aware, the University is placing a strong focus on student recruitment over the coming year. To kick start this, the External Relations team has recently launched a campaign based around the hashtag #MeantToBe, which will be running prior to, during and after A level Results Day.  Its aim is to celebrate the success of those who confirm and secure places with Nottingham and to create a buzz on social media about the University with the aim of attracting applicants and converting offer-holders.

As part of this, we have set up a Thunderclap which will put out the following message from the accounts of people who sign up:

Remember whatever you get – it’s just the beginning. Be what you’re #MeantToBe at #UniofNottingham #resultsday #UoN [plus a link to the University’s Clearing and Adjustment web page]

Once you have signed up, this message will be sent from your account(s) at 8:30am on A level Results Day, Thursday 13 August.

For those who aren’t familiar with the concept of a Thunderclap, it is a website that enables posts to be sent by many individuals from different social media accounts at exactly the same time on a specific date. This activity helps get hashtags trending and should therefore in turn promote the University at a key time when students are making their final decisions about where to study.

For more information, please visit the FAQs on the Thunderclap website.

What we would like you to do

If you have a Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr account, please visit the University’s Thunderclap page and sign upbefore Thursday 13 August to allow the message to be sent from your account(s).

Please note that there is no obligation for you to do this as we appreciate that this message will be sent from your personal account(s).

Alternatively, if you’d prefer not to sign up to the Thunderclap but would like to support the campaign, please feel free to use the hashtag on any relevant social media posts about the University or the academic area that you work in.

Thanks for your co-operation in support of this campaign.

Prof Karen Cox
Deputy Vice-Chancellor

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