Sun, sea, sand…and education

February 3rd, 2011

If the grey drab winter days have your thoughts turning to warmer climes, now is the time to register for a place on one of the University’s summer schools.

Applications for this year’s summer schools start this month (February). Schools provided by the University
so far have included Middle Eastern Studies in Cairo, Chinese Language and Culture in Shanghai and European Business and Economics in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

“Summer schools are not credit bearing, so they enable students to study subjects that would not normally be available through their standard degree programme,” said International Officer Rachel Jessop.

“They are an excellent way of internationalising your university experience and meeting people from all over the world.

“For summer schools co-ordinated by our team in the International Office, tuition fees are normally waived through exchange agreements with our partner universities, while we also provide bursaries depending on the course and a student ambassador programme to assist with the costs.”

Mathematical Sciences student Rosina Smith studied at the U21 Summer School at The University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus in summer 2010. She said: “I have had, without a doubt, the best summer of my life in terms of personal development, academic stimulation and cultural awareness.”

Rosina said she wanted to thank Nottingham’s Study Abroad Team and added: “I urge anyone and everyone to apply for one of their schemes – you might just end up having the best summer of your life.”

Previously schools have all been run externally
but this year, for the first time, the University is running several two-week summer courses at its Asian campuses, with all staff and students invited to attend.

The courses, taking place in June and July, will focus on: creative industries, politics and culture in Southeast Asia, business development, China’s encounter with the world, and intensive language programmes in English, Mandarin, Spanish and French.

For more information on the University’s summer schools in China and Malaysia, please visit For details on other summer programmes, visit

Keep up to date with the Study Abroad Team on Facebook.

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