New Widening Participation SharePoint sites launched

September 15th, 2022

Three SharePoint sites have been launched providing detailed information and guidance on key outreach and Access and Participation areas.

The new sites will help colleagues understand more about the Access and Participation Plan, the work of the Widening Participation Team and the newly-launched Schools and Colleges Engagement Strategy.

Widening Participation and Outreach

This site provides an overview of the work of the Widening Participation and Outreach team, including guidance on how academic colleagues and their students can get involved in outreach, either in partnership with the WP and Outreach team or independently. You can also find a variety of resources and practical information about running outreach activities.

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For more information, please contact Peter Bruce.

Schools and Colleges Engagement Strategy

This site provides an overview of the newly updated Schools and Colleges Engagement Strategy, including how it links to and aligns with other institutional strategies, plans and areas of work. It explores each of the five priority areas to guide current and future University of Nottingham engagement with schools and colleges.

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For more information, please contact Peter Bruce.

Access and Participation Plan (APP)

This five-year plan sets out how we will improve equality of opportunity for underrepresented groups to access, succeed in and progress from the university. Universities in England are required to have an APP and they are approved and monitored by the Office for Students (OfS).

The SharePoint site holds essential information about the plan, including:

  • an introduction to the APP including what the targets are and progress to date
  • details on what we’re doing to address the inequalities that exist at the university
  • useful links to data so colleagues can explore data for specific groups of students or by School
  • details on the governance of the APP and who is involved in the work
  • details how colleagues can apply for funding to run projects which will help us achieve our APP targets

Visit the SharePoint

For more information, please contact Grace Patterson-Mik.

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