Staff Pay Awards 2021/2022: updated to confirm APM3, TS and O&F awards

November 16th, 2021

The university has announced details of staff pay increases and incremental progression awards for the new academic year 2021/22.

A significant proportion of university staff, who also receive an increment, will see combined increases of between 3.5% and 4.5%.

The awards also deliver significant enhancements for the lowest paid staff and include a further commitment to pay the equivalent of the latest Voluntary Living Wage when it is confirmed in November.

  • For research, teaching and APM grade 4-7 staff, the university will implement the national 1.5% cost of living increase. Where staff are also eligible for an increment this will result in a combined increase of between 3.5% and 4.5% from 1 August 2021. Increases will be paid in August salaries.
  • For APM grade 1-3 staff, Technical Services, Childcare Services and Operations & Facilities staff, the university has matched the national 1.5% increase and committed to pay our lowest paid staff a minimum hourly rate of £10 or the equivalent of the latest Voluntary Living Wage rate when it is confirmed on Monday 15 November – whichever is greater.  Where staff are also eligible for an increment this will result in a combined increase of between 4.5% and 5.1%. Increases will be paid in November salaries with back pay from 1 August 2021.

Details of salary scales are now available to view for all grades and job families.

Director of Human Resources Jaspal Kaur said: “Following the back payment of increments for 2020/21 in recent months, I hope that colleagues will welcome prompt implementation of the 2021/22 pay award and increments in time for the new academic year.

This year’s increases compare well with recent awards elsewhere in the public sector, where many public sector workers are subject to a pay freeze, and with the median pay award for the not-for-profit sector standing at 1.3%.”

The University of Nottingham undertakes annual pay negotiations on the cost of living increase through national collective bargaining led by UCEA for research, teaching and APM grade 4-7 staff; and local pay negotiations for APM grades 1-3, staff in Operations & Facilities, Technical Services and Childcare Services.

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August 27th, 2021 at 7:36 am

Steven Walton

Is the NLW for 20/21 going to be backdated to December 2020? The award was made from from April 2021, but then I heard it was to be backdated for those four months from Dec 20 to April 21 this summer. So far my staff don’t believe they’ve had anything yet. Please advise

September 6th, 2021 at 11:57 am

Cyrus M

Hi Steven. The VLW (Living Wage Foundation Rate) was agreed to be backdated from 1 Dec 2020. The university will apply these payments when the local pay award is applied, we hope that this will be within the September or October salary. Further communications will be issued when this is confirmed. Thanks

August 27th, 2021 at 7:43 am


Pleasently surprised to see I’ve been paid more today! 🙂 Is there new a chart/table with the new pay spines? ( seems is out of date)

September 6th, 2021 at 11:58 am

Cyrus M

Hi Stephen, we hope to have this information updated on the HR webpages within the next couple of weeks – keep an eye out. Thanks.

September 1st, 2021 at 12:41 pm

Julian Cotton

I joined security in December last year and so far have not had an inflation pay award . Can you tell me if I qualify for any pay increase this year ie does this apply to me ? Thank you

September 6th, 2021 at 12:25 pm

Cyrus M

Hi Julian. Arrangements will vary depending on personal circumstances, please contact HR. However the inflationary pay rise for local negotiated staff groups (including security employees) is currently not finalised. We hope this will happen soon, and those staff will receive the inflationary increase (rate to be determined) once this happens. The university will communicate when that agreement is reached. Thanks.

September 23rd, 2021 at 4:18 pm


Would it be possible to get the updated salary scales published in the usual place please. I note the reply from 6th Sept but they still refer to 2019. Thank you!

November 4th, 2021 at 9:54 am

Cyrus M

Hi Sean. Sorry for the delay – the article has now been updated with details for salary scales for all grades and job families. Thanks.

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