Review of support for disabled staff at the University of Nottingham

February 3rd, 2020

A review of support for disabled staff at the University of Nottingham has been published, examining the levels of support available and how this is accessed and experienced by disabled staff.

The review, chaired by Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Professor Sarah Sharples, acknowledges that – though there are pockets of good practice – current levels of support for disabled staff are not as consistently high as they should be.

The scope of the review included:

  • On-boarding support for staff following appointment
  • Induction support and reasonable adjustments when joining the University
  • Response to disclosure of a disability whilst working at the University, and support available following disclosure
  • Support for progression and promotion
  • Inclusive management
  • Inclusion on campus

The review identified strengths and areas for improvement across the following themes:

  • Experience of being disabled
  • Physical and digital infrastructure
  • Culture and behaviour
  • Support for line managers
  • Specialist Support provision

A comprehensive action plan to address the issues raised in the review, increase access to consistent support and encourage the sharing of best practice has also been published.

Professor Sharples said: “I, along with the other members of the review panel, want to thank colleagues – particularly the members of our Disabled Staff Network – for their openness in both describing good practice across the University, and the challenges that disabled staff face while working here.

“While there are many strengths in the services and support we provide to disabled staff, the experience is not consistent and needs to be improved. There are many improvements to be made, and we are committed to making these quickly and efficiently.”

For more information on the review and action plan, visit the University’s EDI webpages.

Read Professor Sharples’ blog on the review process and findings.

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