Remote study options for the 2021/22 academic year

June 29th, 2021

Remote study for the 2021/22 academic year will be available to any students or postgraduate researchers living outside of the UK who are facing significant travel, financial or health impacts relating to Covid-19.

New and returning students and postgraduate researchers will be able to apply for Remote Study provided they are based outside of the UK and their request relates to: 

  • Travel restrictions, including a lack of transport links and the health risk posed to anyone with a condition listed by the NHS as a shielding condition; 
  • Legal restrictions barring entry to the UK or departure from your country of residence (excluding standard quarantine requirements on departure or arrival); or 
  • Financial restrictions, including significant, unexpected and temporary personal financial barriers 

Students and postgraduate researchers experiencing short term financial, visa or travel restrictions that will delay their arrival onto campus at the beginning of the 2021/22 academic year may not need to apply for Remote Study. 

Most students will be able to arrive on campus within the first four weeks of the semester and will not need to present evidence to support their delay. However, they must have completed university registration by Monday 11 October 2021 and have arrived on campus and completed quarantine by Sunday 17 October. This may differ for students on non-standard start dates, in which case schools and departments will be asked to advise. 

We will be contacting returning students about Remote Study on Thursday 1 July and offer-holders will be contacted on Friday 2 July. Returning students will be able to apply for Remote Study from Sunday 1 August and both new and returning students will have until Friday 6 October to submit their application. 

Read the Remote Study policy 

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