Reminder of the new rules on campus

July 20th, 2021

Now England has moved to Step 4 of the government’s Roadmap staff, students and visitors are reminded of the new rules on campus.

The health and safety of our community is our highest priority, and we will all need to make adjustments to the way we live and work.

To keep everyone safe, the university strongly recommends that you:

  1. Get Vaccinated
    We actively support the roll out of Covid-19 vaccines and strongly encourage those that can to be fully vaccinated.
    There are a number of ways to get your vaccination. You can book your Covid-19 vaccine via the National Booking Service. You will need to be registered with a GP and have an NHS number.
    UK residents can request to book Covid-19 vaccination appointments as an unregistered patient through a local GP practice. You can find out more about GP registration at
  2. Get tested at least once a week
    The university’s testing service detects the coronavirus through a simple saliva sample.
    We expect all staff and students not showing symptoms of the coronavirus to test regularly. This offers reassurance, reduces onwards transmission of the virus, and helps to keep everyone safe.
    Book your test and find out more on the university testing pages.
  3. Don’t come on to campus if you feel unwell
    If you feel unwell or are displaying Covid-19 symptoms, do not come on to campus. Isolate immediately, Notify the university, and take a confirmatory Test.
    If you or anyone in your household has symptoms you must isolate – that means staying at home or in your room. You can get support during this period.
  4. Face coverings and social distancing
    In line with government guidelines social distancing measures are no longer mandatory, however the government expects and recommends that you wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed spaces.
    Face coverings work by offering protection to those around you. We ask staff, students and visitors to be respectful of others’ choices and do give people space where it is sensible or requested understanding that some people will feel more comfortable with the lifting of restrictions than others and that health vulnerabilities remain.
  5. Follow hygiene procedures
    Make sure you wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds – there will be signs directing you to the nearest handwashing stations.
    Clean work and study stations before and after use – this includes mice and keyboards; cleaning equipment will be provided.
    Avoid sharing equipment and stationery – including pens and pencils – with other staff and students.

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July 20th, 2021 at 12:55 pm

Stephen Morgan

Can international students obtain vaccinations via the NHS?

July 20th, 2021 at 2:46 pm


Hi Stephen,
International students can receive the vaccine by registering with a GP on arrival to the UK. This can be done by finding a GP practice locally or registering online. For students on University Park and Jubilee Campus the nearest practice is Cripps Medical Centre on University Park for students at Sutton Bonington it is Kegworth and Gotham Surgery.
For more information, please visit

August 3rd, 2021 at 11:40 am

Roger Bayston

Most public institutions and infection specialists are continuing to mandate mask wearing in public buildings and on transport despite the vagueness of government advice. I think the University should be clearer about this and say that we expect masks to be worn inside buildings (unless exempt).

August 3rd, 2021 at 1:55 pm


Hi Roger,
Whilst the wearing of face coverings is no longer mandatory, the government expects and recommends that face coverings are worn in crowded and enclosed spaces. Face coverings may be reintroduced should there be local outbreaks or a rise in cases.

August 3rd, 2021 at 11:47 am

kavita vedhara

Some of our overseas students will have been vaccinated with vaccines that are not approved by UK authorities. What should our advice be to them?

August 3rd, 2021 at 3:50 pm


Hi Kavita,
The guidance from Public Health England summarises the status of a variety of vaccines available in the UK and overseas. This includes information on whether an individual needs further doses in England and if so, which type of vaccine is recommended to complete the course.
The advice is to encourage students to register with a GP practice so that they can then access whatever third vaccine they may need or hopefully have their international vaccine converted to one that is recognised on the NHS App. They will only be able to do this if they are registered with a GP.

August 3rd, 2021 at 1:50 pm

Shaun Lane

Good to see the University following the latest HM Government advice on lifting mandates and encouraging a tolerably safe return to the University.

August 3rd, 2021 at 6:47 pm

Lenford Vassell

Can someone let me know how being vaccinated make you immune, if the vaccine doesn’t stop individuals contracting or spreading the covid-19 virus? One of the biggest problems with this pandemic is the levels of misinformation being given. Shouldn’t the wording (paragraph 1 i.e. “We actively support the roll out of Covid-19 vaccines and strongly encourage those that can to be {fully immunised}) be changed to explain that the vaccine only purpose is, as virologist state, to reduce the risk of people becoming seriously ill or hospitalised if and when they get the virus but will never prevent or “immunise” people from getting the virus, hence the continued use of face covering, keeping distance and regular washing of hands.

August 4th, 2021 at 10:39 am


Hi Lenford,
Thank you for getting in touch, we’ve updated the wording.

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