Restructure for Finance management team

September 19th, 2023

The university will be making a change to the management structure of the Finance team.

For the past six years, the university has had two Finance Director roles, held by Helen Lawrenson and Sally Blackamore.

Following the announcement that Helen will be taking up a new role as the Programme Director for Medical & Health Sciences Strategic Change, the university has opted not to fill her vacant role and to instead combine the two Finance Director roles into one, with Sally Blackamore heading up the Finance team as Finance Director.

Sally will report directly to Margaret Monckton, Chief Financial Officer.

Margaret said: “The past six years has worked really well and has enabled the Finance team to change and improve, stepping up to the challenges that the university faces.

“I have enjoyed working with both Sally and Helen as they jointly led Finance and moving to the new structure will help to build on that momentum.

“Sally has done a fantastic job over the last six years as Financial Controller, making a real difference to the university including helping people understand finances and keeping control as we managed the impact of Covid.

“She has a huge amount of respect across the university and I am sure will be a superb Finance Director.”

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