Questions about pensions? Come along to Pensions Day, Thursday 1 February 2024

January 16th, 2024

The university is offering staff a chance to find out more about pensions at its first annual Pensions Day on Thursday 1 February 2024 from 9am – 5pm. 

We will have a number of stalls set up in the Great Hall, Trent building for colleagues to have a chat with representatives from leading pension specialists Isio, as well as the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), Contributory Retirement Savings Plan (CRSP), National Health Service (NHS) and Contributory Pension and Assurance Scheme (CPAS).  

No matter what level you are or where you are in your pension journey, you can drop in and have any questions or queries answered by experts in the field, as well as taking away relevant materials by scheme providers. 

You don’t need to be currently enrolled in a pension scheme in order to take part – just make sure you have your line manager’s permission to attend. 

On the day, there will be a series of 30-minute presentations from scheme providers throughout the day which can be attended on a drop-in basis and opportunities for follow up question and answer sessions. You can see the schedule for the day below:

9am – Event start
10am – 10.30am – CRSP scheme presentation
11am – 11.30am – USS scheme presentation
11am – 12noon – CRSP Focus Group 1 (Room A11, Trent building)
12noon – 12.30pm – NHS scheme presentation
1pm – 1.30pm – USS scheme presentation
1pm – 2pm – CRSP Focus Group 2 (Room A11, Trent building)
2pm – 2.30pm – CPAS scheme presentation
3pm – 3.30pm – CRSP scheme presentation
5pm – Event close

Snacks and drinks will be provided on the day and no booking is necessary to join in, but please register your place to give us an idea of catering requirements.  

If you’d like to know more about pensions, including contribution rates and how to increase them, how to consolidate different pension pots and much more, join us on Thursday 1 February 2024 in the Trent building, University Park campus. 

Find out more about Pensions Day and register your place 

If you would like to take part in the focus group sessions above, please fill out this form. 


The university is looking at the pension benefits we provide for Level 1 to 3 employees and want to hear from you.

Feedback from staff gathered as part of the level 1-3 pay review in 2022 asked us to explore what additional options we could offer to staff at level 1-3 that find paying into a pension difficult, increasingly so with the impact of the current cost of living.

We have been in discussions with the pension provider on this and would like hear from you to help us to shape our pension benefits into a meaningful and attractive offer for you.

If you would like to have a say, please take no more than five minutes to complete this survey. It is open to anyone – whether you already contribute to a pension or not.

Click here to complete the survey.

CRSP Pension Scheme Focus Groups

We offer a number of pensions determined by your job level. For levels 1-3 we offer the Contributory Retirement Savings Plan (CRSP) through Legal and General. 

We want to understand your experience of the CRSP pension scheme, if you are currently paying into the scheme and if you don’t currently pay into the scheme, why?  This feedback will help us to understand what employees value in a pension scheme to ensure that the CRSP pension scheme is attractive to our employees.   

We would like to hear from a broad range of staff – both those in our current pension schemes and those not currently paying in, from all departments and job families. You do not need to know anything about pensions to attend this session.  We are interested in learning whether CRSP is working for you and if not, how it could be improved. 

The focus groups will be small group discussions, with up to 25 people in a room, led by Isio our pension advisors. Attendees to the focus groups will be placed in a prize draw for a chance to win one of five £20 gift cards. 

The next focus groups will be held on: 

  • Wednesday 24 January 2024
    11am – 12noon, Pope building, University Park
    1.30pm – 2.30pm, Portland building, University Park
  • Thursday 25 January 2024
    8am – 9am, Portland building, University Park
    11am – 12noon, Business School South, Jubilee campus
    2pm – 3pm, George Green Library, University Park 

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